Our Story

We understand how important it is to be able to provide your child with the best care possible. In fact, this is what motivated us to build our first child care centre back in 2005. We had looked at many centres for our youngest daughter, however none of them really provided the balance between education and play that we were looking for.

It is so important to us that, as your child leaves kindergarten for “big school”, they are well prepared for the next stage in their educational journey. Education is therefore a critical part of our centre philosophy. Education alone, however, is not the answer to raising a balanced little human being! Kids want to have fun (who doesn't ?) and so we also focus on providing an environment where a child has fun while learning (hence our name – Play & Learn). 

It is a simple philosophy but it touches every aspect of our service, from how we set up our play grounds, how we deliver our educational curriculum, how our staff interact with your child to nurture independence and creativity and how we select our staff. 

As you can probably tell, we are just a little bit excited about our new centre! We can’t wait to have you join us. Over the coming weeks we will continue to send out the enrolment packs and updating our Facebook page where we can give you updates on the construction phases and other general information. 

So now you know our plans, we are looking forward to a very busy new year! Keep in touch and we look forward to having you with us on this journey!

Rachel and David